Modern Marxism has mainly manifested itself by destroying the traditional family and religious rules for life, especially in the domain of sex. The Frankfurt school, an influential group of Marxists that came to American Universities during World War II, preached a fusion of Freud and Marx. The Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s was largely their work. We are living in the destructive aftermath to this day, but long before that, those who had embraced the Marxist assumptions about reality were eagerly disregarding both the family and integrity in their sexual relationships. Many proponents of Marxism would attack marriage openly, end up getting married anyway, and proceed to have affairs.
The interest of Marxist men in sexual liberation was presaged in the lives of its founders. Marx, despite being married to the woman of his dreams, managed to have an affair with his household maid and fathered a child with her. He never acknowledged he was the father. In a similar manner, Frederick Engels maintained two homes. One was kept for regular business. The other was kept for his mistress. There were several other mistresses in addition to her. He often described his ideal as wasting his life away on poetry, wine and women. The pair would call for the abolition of the family in their works, but their lives were already exhibiting these patterns long before they put pen to paper.
Among the communist leadership of Russia, Lenin maintained a bizarre love triangle in which he had his wife as well as his mistress constantly with him at his side. The only time he was noted to break down in public was when his mistress died. Stalin fathered numerous children by several different women and abandoned many of them. Stalin’s own Daughter wrote that he was, “a bad and neglectful son, as he was father and husband. He devoted his whole being to something else, to politics and struggle. And so people who weren’t personally close were always more important to him than those who were.” It is a perfect description of the males who enjoy the sexual liberation of the Marxist mindset.
No matter where Marxist assumptions are adopted, the result was always the sexual exploitation of others. Asia has suffered under these ideas as well. Chairman Mao had numerous young women brought to him for sex. He also had a few young men brought to him. The Kims of North Korea of course had, and still have, their pleasure squads of young female sex slaves.
The American Left, where modern Marxism has found its ideological bedfellow, has been filled with men who have exploited women while trumpeting the Marxist goals of women’s liberation and social justice. Both FDR and LBJ had affairs. Even more impressive was what the media knew about and let JFK get away with. In his case, the media knew he was actively having women brought into the White House for sex. Bill Clinton’s many shenanigans included getting oral sex performed on him by a subordinate in the oval office. His wife stood by him through all this, and somehow the Clintons are still considered important members of the Democrat Party. The Left does not seem to mind sexual harassment when it’s their side doing it. Many of the aforementioned Democrats were not overtly Marxist but many of their ideas and programs drew from elements of German philosophy and Government policy that Marxism fostered. It is curious that their sexual outlook on life presaged the eventual takeover of the Democrat Party by Marxism. It turns out destruction of sexual decorum, destroying the traditional family, and welfare state programs eventually fuse in the hybrid of Freud and Marx that we see today.

Please see the following:
Marxism by Thomas Sowell
Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Lenin by Victor Sebestyen
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism by Paul Kengor
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson
The Devils Pleasure Palace by Michael Walsh